Marijuana Offenders Comprised 8% of Defendants Sent to Prison in 2015

Eight percent of defendants sentenced to federal prison in 2015 were convicted of violating marijuana laws, according to a June 2016 federal report issued by the United States Sentencing Commission.
The federal government prosecuted 71,184 cases in 2015 in which the offender was sentenced to a federal penitentiary. Nearly one-third (31.8%) of these cases were for drug violations – the most common type of case prosecuted by the Feds.
Of these federal drug prosecutions, 25% involved defendants sentenced to prison for violating marijuana laws. Overall, these 5,612 federal offenders comprised 7.8% of all of new defendants sentenced to federal prison last year.
Marijuana defendants in 2015 received an average sentence of 32 months – the lowest average time of imprisonment for drug offenders.
Another report issued earlier this year found that marijuana offenders comprise just over 12% of all federal drug inmates.
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